rayzlens: Evening walk
mandyhedley: Red squirrel
kalakeli: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
mandyhedley: Robin xmas card
Wildonline.blog: European Robin
Bill McDonald 2016: Golden-crowned Kinglet
MK 817: 500_5568
MK 817: 500_7846
MK 817: D500-1828
neilhilton65: White-throated Hummmingbird
karinrogmann: Lachmöwe im Winterkleid
gilgit2: Siberian Stonechat (Saxicola maurus)
gilgit2: European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
gilgit2: Blue-fronted Redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)
ChicagoBob46: Ready to go
Wildonline.blog: Grey Squirrel
Wildonline.blog: Blue tit
Wildonline.blog: Long-tailed tit
Joe Allen Photography: Bridled Titmouse
parmrussrap: Inbound Trio
bankvole5: Roe Deer
lincerosso: Rosso su rosso
Dirk Hessels: Little Ringed Plover | Kleine Plevier | Flussregenpfeifer, (Charadrius Dubius)
Dirk Hessels: Redshank | Tureluur | Rotschenkel, (Tringa totanus)
Kathy Macpherson Baca: Turn the Lights Back On
pstenzel71: Aster
pstenzel71: Barberry