Alan10eden: The Old Village Store (explored)
Steve Pellatt: The Ice Cauldron I
gseloff: Above The Waterline (Greater Yellowlegs)
c.dmartin: Brain Massage
Jim Beers: Ring-necked Duck
Jarek S. "Jerry": Kingfisher
Turk Images: Rough-legged Hawk
Ger Bosma: Friend Or Foe?
E_Rick1502: Dead Weight
Tony LePrieur: White-tailed Jackrabbit
♞Jenny♞: How 'bout I bite your nose off!!!
reinaroundtheglobe: One Town | New York City
Lindi m: Another New Day
Hans Kruse Photography: At the beach on Lofoten
scottishkennyg: The big bookil
Frans Nijland: Harbour of Rotterdam
gillesfrancotte: Waterfall.
nitinchandra: Look at all the pollen! - "Explored"
Raphaël Grinevald • Photographe: "Matin d'été au Petit Minou". Bretagne, France.
BSA49: A Room With A View.
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hen Harrier (URN: 2725)
marieroy0808: Lagopède des Saules - Willow Ptarmigan
MindfulnessArt: In the eyes of the winds
Gary McHale: Glossy Ibis
alexandros9 (Happy New Year): sunset in Oia/Santorini
Richard Palmer Photography: Cedar Waxwing 3620 copy