Steve Pellatt: Light & Layers
Steve Pellatt: ....The Aqueduct, Sanitation, roads, wine, canals, Public Baths, Cheese, medicine, irrigation..........
Steve Pellatt: Explore #55 14/07/2024 What have the Romans ever done for us?
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels I
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels II
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels III
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels IV
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels IV
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels V
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels VI
Steve Pellatt: Pass with Flying Colours I
Steve Pellatt: Pass with Flying Colours II
Steve Pellatt: The Early Bird Catches the Sandeels VII
Steve Pellatt: Greedy.....Me???
Steve Pellatt: Mugshot
Steve Pellatt: Free Fallin' I
Steve Pellatt: Free Fallin' II
Steve Pellatt: Sorry..... Gotta Fly
Steve Pellatt: Explore #54 28/06/24 Burning sky
Steve Pellatt: Strawberry Moon
Steve Pellatt: Solstice I
Steve Pellatt: Incomminggg!!!
Steve Pellatt: Deliveroo competitor!
Steve Pellatt: Mustn't talk with my mouth full
Steve Pellatt: Explore #53 11/06/24 Bude Awakens
Steve Pellatt: More Toblerone (aka Me and the IT Gods are not getting on!)
Steve Pellatt: Misty Water
Steve Pellatt: Overtopping I