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7.84 King Eider
Oregon Birds
NY 2024
23.154 American Oystercatcher
40.3323 Yellow-throated Vireo
40.8659 Cerulean Warbler
40.863 Blue-winged Warbler
40.8654 Bay-breasted Warbler
40.8702 Worm-eating Warbler
29.52 Black-billed Cuckoo
40.8632 Tennessee Warbler
40.854 Pine Grosbeak
Little Stint (Calidris minuta)
Northern Goshawk
40.6769 Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
32.157 Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica)
Flying Fish
40.8454 Lawrence's Goldfinch
7.85 Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
22.311 Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans)
40.9110 Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)
40.8302 Brambling
22.955 Common Crane
40.8656 Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
40.6400 Sage Thrasher
40.9152 Green-tailed Towhee
7.649 Garganey
23.402 Red Knot (Calidris canutus)
7.652 Common Teal (Anas crecca crecca)
Back up Camera
40.8967 Rusty Blackbird
7.273 Ross' Goose
17.95 Gyrfalcon
17.96 Prairie Falcon
16.76 Ferruginous Hawk
Bald Eagle takes Goose
40.9135 Cassin's Sparrow
23.359 Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
Comets Photographed in Oregon
Time Lapse Video
Magpie Murders
40.8188 Siberian Accentor
22.82 Common Moorhen
40.904 Rustic Bunting
7.275 Emporer Goose
40.8875 Orchard Oriole
23.248 American Golden-Plover
Odd Lesser Yellowlegs
23.34 Upland Sandpiper
29.01 Greater Roadrunner
32.055 Black Swift
23.419 Stilt Sandpiper
23.643 Glaucous-winged Gull
6.142 Ruffed Grouse
40.9943 Pyrrhuloxia
40.9983 Indigo Bunting
40.9882 Summer Tanager
40.9159 California Towhee
39.742 Black-backed Woodpecker
40. 9117 Brewer's Sparrow
40.9123 Black-throated Sparrow
40.8991 Eastern Meadowlark
40.8976 Boat-tailed Grackle
40.8971 Common Grackle
40.8952 Shiny Cowbird
40.8950 Bronzed Cowbird
40.8700 Prothonotary Warbler
40.8669 Black-throated Green Warbler
40.8652 Blackpoll
40.8108 Scaly-breasted Munia
40.676 Veery
40.6402 Brown Thrasher
40.4410 Red-whiskered Bulbul
40.6175 Cactus Wren
40.1587 Least Flycatcher
40.4060 Phainopepla
40.3828 Northwestern Crow
40.3333 Blue-headed Vireo
40.3343 Red-eyed Vireo
40.3302 White-eyed Vireo
39.74 American Three-toed Woodpecker
40.1811 Dusky-capped Flycatcher
40.1778 Cassin's Kingbird
40.1597 Vermillion Flycatcher
40.1592 Pacific-slope Flycatcher
39.601 Gila Woodpecker
32.947 Costa's Hummingbird
30.99 Short-eared Owl
30.86 Northern Saw-whet Owl
23.408 Temminck's Stint
22.781 Gray-headed Swamphen
16.621 Common Black Hawk
16.271 Mississippi Kite
16.74 Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk
16.12 Black Vulture
15.288 Reddish Egret
15.186 Roseate Spoonbill
15.15 White Ibis
2019 Coastal Pelagic
2017 Rome to Florida
10.90 Ashy Storm-Petrel
10.81 Least Storm-petrel
7.12 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
6.173 Greater Prairie Chicken
6.194 Chukar
6.161 Dusky Grouse
6.146 Spruce Grouse
North American Photo Birds
26.728 Red-masked Parakeet
40.8974 Great-tailed Grackle
7.627 Blue-winged Teal
16.266 Snail Kite
7.618 Mottled Duck
40.1590 Dusky Flycatcher
40.4186 Oak Titmouse
40.3348 Black-whiskered Vireo
40.8877 Hooded Oriole
40.9936 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
40.6296 California Gnatcatcher
40.9923 Chestnut-collared Longspur
40.9125 Sagebrush Sparrow
23.417 Rock Sandpiper
15.251 Cattle Egret
40.9121 Lark Sparrow
Philomath Blackbirds
40.3279 Northern Shrike
39.609 Red-naped Sapsucker
40.4651 Mangrove Swallow
29.03 Groove-billed Ani
25.44 White-tipped Dove
25.17 Pale-vented Pigeon
17.2 Yellow-headed Caracara
15.529 Neotropic Cormorant
15.263 Cocoi Heron
10.625 Galapagos Shearwater
Cruise Birds Panama Canal 2018
10.56 Black-vented Shearwater
interesting robins
39.27 Chestnut-mandibled Toucan
39.5975 Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
40.3718 White-throated Magpie-Jay
40.4668 Gray-breasted Martin
40.9375 Cherrie's Tanager
40.9541 Red-legged Honeycreeper
40.9990 Orange-breasted Bunting
16.96 Black Hawk-Eagle
32.159 Short-tailed Swift
16.734 Zone-tailed Hawk
40.8390 Yellow-crowned Euphonia
Unidentified Things
26.733 Orange-fronted Parakeet
15.434 Nazca Booby
13.1 Red-billed Tropicbird
2018 Panama Cruise
9.5 Yellow-billed Loon
40.9075 Swamp Sparrow
Gull Identification
Force Lake, Portland, OR
23.422 Ruff
23.404 Semipalmated Sandpiper
17.81 Merlin
40.9102 Grasshopper Sparrow
40.6764 Swainson's Thrush
40.3773 Black-billed Magpie
39.593 Acorn Woodpecker
10.407 Murphy's Petrel
32.16 White-throated Swift
23.936 Cassin's Auklet
40.4695 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
6.162 Sooty Grouse
39.607 Williamson's Sapsucker
40.379 Clark's Nutcracker
40.4645 Bank Swallow
40.8714 MacGillivray's Warbler
6.112 Mountain Quail
25.1 Rock Dove
40.8954 Brown-headed Cowbird
40.8795 Yellow-breasted Chat
15.161 White-faced Ibis
23.56 Franklin's Gull
40.618 Rock Wren
16.73 Swainson's Hawk
23.808 Black Tern
40.8888 Bullock's Oriole
40.8996 Bobolink
23.212 Black-necked Stilt
40.8672 Hermit Warbler
23.411 White-rumped Sandpiper
Camera comparison BLOY 2nd survey 2018
23.919 Marbled Murrelet
2014 PJG.McV
For Lynn
British Columbia
40.9078 Harris's Sparrow
7.82 Steller's Eider
16.537 Sharp-shinned Hawk
Bird Sets
40.7047 Black Redstart
13.3 White-tailed Tropicbird
7.647 Northern Pintail
100 Photos
People Taking Pictures
The Sun Magazine
7.263 Tundra Bean-Goose
40.6550 European Starling
40.1562 Western Wood Peewee
40.1552 Say's Phoebe
6.0470 Western Mexican Chachalaca
11.55 Eared Grebe
11.21 Pied-billed Grebe
7.923 Barrow's Goldeneye
7.91 Long-tailed Duck
7.87 Surf Scoter
7.614 American Wigeon
7.613 Eurasian Wigeon
7.612 Falcated Duck
7.282 Cackling Goose
7.267 Greater White-fronted Goose
6.86 Ring-necked Pheasant
7.295 Trumpeter Swan
25.37 Mourning Dove
40.9106 American Tree Sparrow
7.78 Ring-necked Duck
7.9 Black Scoter
7.285 Brant
7.281 Canada Goose
7.952 Common Merganser
7.632 Northern Shoveler
11.61 Western Grebe
7.297 Tundra Swan
7.652 Green-winged Teal
7.697 Ruddy Duck
36.725 Belted Kingfisher
2015 Princess Coastal Cruise
Cruise Ship Birds
Nothing Much Happening
Rock, People, Chisels
12.12 Greater Flamingo
40.4830 Long-tailed Tit
Featured Bird Photos
Garden Plants
6.14 Turkey
6.115 California Quail
9.4 Common Loon
9.3 Pacific Loon
9.1 Red-throated Loon
7.293 Mute Swan
7.271 Snow Goose
7.265 Greylag Goose
7.401 Shelduck
7.361 Egyptian Goose
7.287 Barnacle Goose
7.617 Mallard
7.611 Gadwall
7.433 Wood Duck
7.71 Canvasback
7.72 Redhead
7.86 Harlequin Duck
7.921 Bufflehead
7.922 Common Goldeneye
7.628 Cinnamon Teal
7.636 Gray Teal
7.77 New Zealand Scaup
7.79 Tufted Duck
7.8 Greater Scaup
7.81 Lesser Scaup
7.89 White-winged Scoter
7.953 Red-breasted Merganser
7.94 Hooded Merganser
7.409 Paradise Shelduck
8.4 Yellow-eyed Penguin
11.53 Great Crested Grebe
11.62 Clark's Grebe
11.54 Horned Grebe
10.12 Black-browed Albatross
10.02 Black-footed Albatross
10.19 Buller's Albatross
10.01 Laysan Albatross
10.09 Northern Royal Albatross
10.16 Salvin's Albatross
10.04 Short-tailed Albatross
10.14 Shy Albatross
10.05 Wandering Albatross
10.22 Northern Fulmar
10.411 Black-capped Petrel
10.21 Northern Giant Petrel
10.96 Common Diving-Petrel
10.424 Black-winged Petrel
10.24 Cape Petrel
10.429 Cook's Petrel
10.401 Great-winged (Gray-faced) Petrel
10.42 Hawaiian Petrel
10.414 Kermadec Petrel
10.422 Mottled Petrel
10.418 Phoenix Petrel
10.444 Westland Petrel
10.832 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel
10.88 Black Storm-Petrel
10.92 Fork-tailed Storm-petrel
10.71 Wilson's Storm-Petrel
10.86 Leach's Storm-Petrel
10.661 Sooty Shearwater
10.662 Short-tailed Shearwater
10.53 Buller's Shearwater
10.663 Pink-footed Shearwater
10.462 Cory's Shearwater
10.51 Christmas Shearwater
10.54 Manx Shearwater
10.61 Audubon's Shearwater
10.664 Flesh-footed Shearwater
10.463 Scopoli's Shearwater
10.59 Fluttering Shearwater
10.665 Great Shearwater
10.6 Hutton's Shearwater
10.55 Yelkouan Shearwater
10.52 Wedge-tailed Shearwater
Petrel 26.1
Petrel 26.2
Petrel 26.3
Petrel 26.12
Petrel 31
Petrel 32
15.33 Magnificent Frigatebird
11.52 Red-necked Grebe
15.417 Brown Pelican
15.436 Brown Booby
15.433 Masked Booby
15.435 Red-footed Booby
15.421 Northern Gannet
15.423 Australasian Gannet
13.2 Red-tailed Tropicbird
14.10 Wood Stork
14.3400 White Stork
15.527 Pelagic Cormorant
15.536 Great Cormorant
15.53 Double-crested Cormorant
Brandt Cormorant 15.526
15.67 Anhinga
Little Shag 15.51
Pied Shag 15.535
Spotted Shag 15.524
Stewart Island Shag 15.571
Common (European) Shag 15.531
15.16 Glossy Ibis
15.218 American Bittern
15.222 Least Bittern
15.181 Eurasian Spoonbill
15.287 White-faced Heron
15.235 Black-crowned Night-Heron
15.237 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
15.244 Squacco Heron
15.262 Great Blue Heron
15.291 Tricolored Heron
15.261 Grey Heron
15.241 Green Heron
15.292 Little Blue Heron
15.272 Great Egret
15.293 Snowy Egret
15.416 American White Pelican
16.111 Turkey Vulture
16.17 Osprey
16.258 Black-winged Kite
16.263 White-tailed Kite
16.315 White-tailed Eagle
16.316 Bald Eagle
16.411 Western Marsh Harrier
16.421 Northern Harrier
16.541 Cooper's Hawk
16.701 Gray-lined Hawk
16.702 Gray Hawk
16.71 Red-shouldered Hawk
16.74 Red-tailed Hawk
16.75 Common Buzzard
16.77 Rough-legged Hawk
16.83 Golden Eagle
Eurasian Kestrel 17.62
American Kestrel 17.69
Hobby 17.84
Peregrine Falcon 17.97
Little Bustard 18.95
22.314 Virginia Rail
22.64 Sora
22.786 Purple Gallinule
22.825 Common Gallinule
22.853 American Coot
22.851 Eurasian Coot
22.951 Sandhill Crane
22.959 Red-crowned Crane
22.96 Limpkin
Northern Lapwing 23.241
23.247 Pacific Golden-Plover
Black-bellied Plover 23.249
Semipalmated Plover 23.252
Killdeer 23.253
Snowy Plover 23.256
Lesser Sand-Plover 23.259
Mountain Plover 23.2616
American Avocet 23.222
Black Oystercatcher 23.153
Eurasian Oystercatcher 23.156
South Island Pied Oystercatcher 23.157
Variable Oystercatcher 23.159
Pied Stilt 23.21
Avocet 23.221
Wilson's Snipe 23.313
23.32 Short-billed Dowitcher
23.321 Long-billed Dowitcher
Black-tailed Godwit 23.322
Hudsonian Godwit 23.323
Bar-tailed Godwit 23.324
Marbled Godwit 23.325
23.333 Whimbrel
23.337 Long-billed Curlew
Common Redshank 23.351
Greater Yellowlegs 23.355
Lesser Yellowlegs 23.356
Solitary Sandpiper 23.358
Willet 23.362
Wandering Tattler 23.361
Spotted Sandpiper 23.365
Ruddy Turnstone 23.37
Black Turnstone 23.38
Surfbird 23.39
Sanderlings 23.403
Western Sandpiper 23.405
Least Sandpiper 23.41
Baird's Sandpiper 23.412
Pectoral Sandpiper 23.413
23.414 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
23.418 Dunlin
23.421 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
23.423 Wilson's Phalarope
23.424 Red-necked Phalarope
23.425 Red Phalarope
23.445 Black Skimmer
23.686 Lesser Black-backed Gull
23.638 Great Black-backed Gull
Black-billed Gull 23.519
Bonaparte's Gull 23.51
23.529 Black-headed Gull
23.635 California Gull
23.628 Heerman's Gull
23.64 Kelp (Black-backed) Gull
23.55 Laughing Gull
23.629 Short-billed Gull
Red-billed Gull 23.513
23.63 Ring-billed Gull
Iceland Gull 23.656
Herring Gull 23.67
23.679 Yellow-legged Gull
23.625 Black-tailed Gull
Glaucous Gull 23.65
Western Gull 23.646
23.649 Yellow-footed Gull
Sabine's Gull 23.49
23.46 Black-legged Kittiwake
Red-legged Kittiwake 23.47
23.763 Black-naped Tern
23.442 Black Noddy Tern
23.44 Brown Noddy Tern
23.776 Arctic Tern
23.77 Common Tern
23.70 Caspian Tern
23.78 Forster's Tern
23.71 Great-crested Tern
23.74 Least Tern
23.705 Royal Tern
23.73 Sandwich Tern
23.448 White Tern
23.76 White-fronted Tern
23.85 Parasitic Jaeger
23.84 Pomarine Jaeger
23.86 Long-tailed Jaeger
23.83 Great Skua