Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Palm Beach Co., F_1055
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Palm Beach Co., FL_1072
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Palm Beach Co., FL_1124
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Cedar Is. NWR, Carteret Co., NC_6289(1)
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Cedar Is. NWR, Carteret Co., NC_6283(1)
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Cedar Is. NWR, Carteret Co., NC_6314(1)
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern, Cedar Is. NWR, Carteret Co., NC_6276(1)
Patterns and Light: Least Bittern fishing, Palm Beach Co., FL_5901(3)