Patterns and Light:
Warbling Vireo, Los Angeles Co., CA_3740(1)
Patterns and Light:
California Gnatcatcher, Los Angeles Co., CA_3755(1)
Patterns and Light:
Elegant Tern flight with fish, Los Angeles Co., CA_3871(1)
Patterns and Light:
Brandt's Cormorant, Los Angeles Co., CA_3879(1)
Patterns and Light:
Common Loon, flight, Los Angeles Co., CA_3890(1)
Patterns and Light:
Brown Pelican, flight, San Diego Co., CA_3937(1)
Patterns and Light:
Runway, San Diego Co., CA_3980(1)
Patterns and Light:
Red-masked Parakeet, flight, San Diego Co., CA_4027(1)
Patterns and Light:
Forster's Tern, flight, San Diego Co., CA_4032(1)
Patterns and Light:
Forster's Tern, flight, San Diego Co., CA_4042(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-crowned Night-Heron, San Diego Co., CA_4071(1)
Patterns and Light:
Red-masked Parakeet, San Diego Co., CA_4077(1)
Patterns and Light:
Hooded Oriole, San Diego Co., CA_4111(1)
Patterns and Light:
Whimbrel, San Diego Co., CA_4135(1)
Patterns and Light:
Little Blue Heron, San Diego Co., CA_4160(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black Skimmers, San Diego Co., CA_4210(1)
Patterns and Light:
Gull-billed Tern, San Diego Co., CA_4228(1)
Patterns and Light:
Hooded Oriole, San Diego Co., CA_4343(1)
Patterns and Light:
Hooded Oriole, San Diego Co., CA_4348(1)
Patterns and Light:
Common Dolphins, San Diego Co., CA_4591(1)
Patterns and Light:
Scripp's Murrelet, Baja California, MX_4674(1)
Patterns and Light:
Cassin's Auklet, San Francisco Co., CA_5017(1)
Patterns and Light:
Northern Fulmar, Del Norte Co., CA_5049(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-footed Albatross, Del Norte Co., CA_5091(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-footed Albatross, Curry Co., OR_5122(1)
Patterns and Light:
Common Murre flight, Curry Co., OR_5187(1)
Patterns and Light:
Hawaiian Petrel, Curry Co., OR_5398(1)
Patterns and Light:
Hawaiian Petrel, Curry Co., OR_5396(1)
Patterns and Light:
Murphy's Petrel, Tillamook Co., OR_5406(1)
Patterns and Light:
Murphy's Petrel, Tillamook Co., OR_5413(1)