Patterns and Light:
Wood Thrush, Westchester Co., NY_9839(1)
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Eastern Towhee, Westchester Co., NY_9886(1)
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Common Grackle, Westchester Co., NY_9938(1)
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White-breasted Nuthatch, Westchester Co., NY_9950(1)
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House Wren, Westchester Co., NY_0192(1)
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Warbling Vireo, Westchester Co., NY_9997(1)
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Catbird, Westchester Co., NY_0211(1)
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Semipalmated Plover, Westchester Co., NY_9444(1)
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Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Westchester Co., NY_9679(1)
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American Oystercatcher, Westchester Co., NY_9506(1)
Patterns and Light:
Cerulean Warbler, Ulster Co., NY_8306(1)
Patterns and Light:
Yellow-throated Vireo, Ulster Co., NY_8427(1)
Patterns and Light:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ulster Co., NY_8124(1)
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Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ulster Co., NY_8083(1)
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Indigo Bunting, Ulster Co., NY_7690(1)
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Red-tailed Hawk, Ulster Co., NY_7831(1)
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Orchard Oriole, Ulster Co., NY_7712(1)
Patterns and Light:
Great Crested Flycatcher, Ulster Co., NY_7904(1)
Patterns and Light:
Blue-winged Warbler, Ulster Co., NY_7776(1)
Patterns and Light:
Carolina Wren, Ulster Co., NY_7654(1)
Patterns and Light:
Swainson's Thrush, New York Co., NY_7306(1)
Patterns and Light:
Northern Waterthrush, New York Co., NY_7235(1)
Patterns and Light:
Northern Cardinal, New York Co., NY_7434(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-throated Green Warbler, New York Co., NY_7522(1)
Patterns and Light:
Bay-breasted Warbler, New York Co., NY_757(1)
Patterns and Light:
Worm-eating Warbler, Putnam Co., NY_8856(1)
Patterns and Light:
Tufted Titmouse, Putnam Co., NY_8665(1)
Patterns and Light:
Red-eyed Vireo, Putnam Co., NY_9031(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-billed Cuckoo, Ulster Co., NY_7816(1)
Patterns and Light:
Black-billed Cuckoo, Ulster Co., NY_7804(1)