Hoffmann Bodo: Zoo Neunkirchen - Leguan
Hoffmann Bodo: Falke im Bruch
HANI BADER: Jellyfish
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Man on board the SS Mariposa in Sydney Harbour
Swedish National Heritage Board: Fisherman, Lysekil, Sweden
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Palmer's Mystery Hike No. 2
VonMurr: MG_2006
VonMurr: MG_1999
VonMurr: MG_1992
VonMurr: MG_1988
Zack Huggins: Fair Park
Chris Toombes: Things are looking up!
clickr1ÖÖ: Famille Assistant à des Funérailles
wesleybarr1962: Flying low
ivanoelbarreto: Végétale.
DaveSticker: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Thomas Hawk: Found Kodachrome Slide
Truus, Bob & Jan too!: Don Johnson in Miami Vice (1984-1990)
Nationaal Archief: Amfibiefiets / Amphibious bicycle
The Library of Congress: 14-yr. old striker, Fola La Follette, and Rose Livingston (LOC)
polishukk: From 12 floor