Rob E Twoo: Osprey with a lil snack
Dinusaur: Wile E.
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Season Winds Down but It’s Not Over
Jowl Bakker: barred owl in the fog
Arvo Poolar: Snow Leopard Cub
ericnzhou: Northern Pygmy Owl
Jowl Bakker: northern lights barn
Rob E Twoo: Pied-billed Grebe feeding young.
arvind agrawal: Too close - IMG_5466
monte stinnett: Burrowing Owls
ericnzhou: Long-tailed Sylph, Female
Rob E Twoo: Wood ducks in a pond at a park
SweeP_64: Face aux géants / Facing giants.
Collins93: HCR36236-Edit-Edit
alainfrere34: Echasse blanche .Himantopus himantopus - Black-winged Stilt
E_Rick1502: Sooty Grouse
rangerbatt: American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Loren Mooney: Great gray owls. They definitely have unique personalities. Some are shy. Some not so much. And some couldn’t care less that people are around. This one was the latter. Alberta Canada. March, 2024.
Henk Laverman: Short-eared Owl, Velduil
bjlarsen63: Northern Hawk-owl (Høgeugle), Sparresholm (Explored)
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Steadies Its Meal Before Beginning to Eat
ayres_leigh: Fox Kit
Dackelpup: Kino