audiodam: Little Little Raven
KaAuenwasser: Wasser Lichtspiel
@wilder_action: Showing three of the four wings
KaAuenwasser: Teichhuhn
rogercollorick: Red grouse
colin 1957: robin
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC4464 _ Nope, It's mine...mine !
adrianaaprati: Lago di Bracciano (Explore 9/12/2024)
lukaszW75: _33A6513
legoman1691: Goldfinch
rogercollorick: Fieldfare
lukaszW75: _33A1288
juewes: LR_IMG_2024_10_03_408322
seppomie: Garrulus glandarius - Eurasian jay
Ng Aomoa: Chliaria othona, the orchid tit
calpal2010: White-Throated Sparrow - Front View
tstanford372: Blue Tit
lukaszW75: _33A9839
smrc_: Around the trees II 🌿
yvan.van.impe: Tureluur, Westerschelde.
jt893x: Deer
davie ch: DSC_9476-Edit-Edit-Edit
Mitch789: Canada Geese on their way….
Mandenno photography: Snowy owl - Safaripark Monde Sauvage
Rolando CRINITI: Oca _084
targetman1: FH3I7985