Flora to Fauna: Great Gray Owl
Turk Images: Evening Grosbeak
stan sutton: New Zealand native Tui _MG_8657
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Great Gray Owl. Central Alberta.
bcbirdergirl: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) - BC
Flora to Fauna: Bufflehead pair
Turk Images: North American Moose
Gord Sawyer: Barred Owl
Flora to Fauna: Eastern Screech Owl
Eric Lu Photography: Verdin (X26_2076)
Harley V: Great grey owl
Gord Sawyer: Pine Marten
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle (male)
Flora to Fauna: Northern Flicker (red-shafted)
Flora to Fauna: Song Sparrow
Flora to Fauna: Great Blue Heron
Turk Images: Brown Creeper
Flora to Fauna: Brain freeze
Gord Sawyer: American Kestrel
Flora to Fauna: Bald Eagle
bcbirdergirl: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus) - Whistler, BC
Flora to Fauna: Fox Sparrow
Turk Images: Great Blue Heron
stan sutton: Pied oystercatcher IMG_3228
Flora to Fauna: Red Fox pup
Wes Aslin: Black Phoebe
Gord Sawyer: Canadian Lynx
Turk Images: Pine Grosbeak - Interior West Male
Flora to Fauna: Lesser Scaup (f)
stan sutton: California Quail IMG_0602