Harley V: Great grey owl
Harley V: Northern lights
Harley V: Horned owl
Harley V: Great Plains toad
Harley V: Cow and calf on the south side of Edmonton
Harley V: Baby fawn
Harley V: Baby porcupine
Harley V: Porcupine
Harley V: Frosty morning
Harley V: Groom and groomsmen
Harley V: Lighthouse
Harley V: Canvasback Female and Goslings
Harley V: Yellow Warbler
Harley V: Chipping sparrow
Harley V: Cormorant Trio
Harley V: Western Kingbird
Harley V: Juvenile Brown Thrasher
Harley V: Cedar waxwing
Harley V: Pelican
Harley V: Red Tailed Hawk (dark morph)
Harley V: Red Tailed Hawk (light moph)
Harley V: Purple Martin
Harley V: Horned Lark
Harley V: Baby Thirteen lined ground squirrel
Harley V: Thirteen lined ground squirrel
Harley V: Black Neck stilt
Harley V: Pronghorns
Harley V: Western Kingbird
Harley V: Western Kingbird