Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Hawk Owl inflight. Central Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Tufted Titmouse. Ojibway Park, Windsor Ontario. A lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Red-bellied Woodpecker. Ojibway Park, Windsor.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Pygmy-Owl. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Bald Eagle try to grab food at frozen Big Lake area. Edmonton Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Yellow-throated Warbler. Edmonton area, AB. This is a rare bird ended up in my area, third sighting in Alberta. A lifer for me. Many thanks to the property own letting us to photograph this lovely bird.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Cardinal. Windsor, Ontario. My first one, a lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Summer Tanager. Edmonton, Alberta. This is a lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Prothonotary Warbler. Point Pelee National Park. Ontario. This is a lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Surf Scoter Male. Edmonton. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Thirsty Merlin drinking water after a big meal. Hermitage Park, Edmonton, Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Snowy Owl inflight. Edmonton. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Crossbill female. Edmonton, Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Hawk Owl Posed for me. Central Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Hawk Owl with its newly caught prey. Central Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Northern Hawk Owl. Northern Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Purple Finch. Hermitage Park. Edmonton. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Golden-crowned Kinglet. Hermitage Park. Edmonton, Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Male House Finch. Edmonton. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Bewick's Swan. Murray Marsh. Alberta. A lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Bewick's Swan. A lifer for me. Murray Marsh. Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: A Bald Eagle caught and killed a Snow Goose in the midair. This is the first time I have witness something like this for me. Very unexpected. Murray Marsh. Sturgeon County, Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Ferruginous Hawk. A lifer for me.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Burrowing Owl inflight. Grassland National Park.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Burrowing Owl. Grassland National Park.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Belted Kingfisher. Calgary, Alberta.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Lazuli Bunting. Edmonton, Alberta.