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albums of Washington Area Spark
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Labor Canteen: 1944-46
Alderson federal prison: 1971
Joan Little: 1974-75
United Federal/Public Workers Local 28: 1937-52
Communist Veterans Encampment: 1947
Rebellion at N. Bethesda JHS: 1970
DC War Tax Resistance: 1969-72
May Day--The Workers Day
GW Hospital union organizing: 1973-74
National United Workers Organization
Amnesty for Political Prisoners: 1918-23
Wilmiington 10: 1971-80
Machinist Uniion
Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Bakery Union Local 118
The fight for rights: 1865-1900
Muhammad Ali in the DMV
Independent truckers: 1973-80
Mother Jones Collective: 1970-72
Jews for Urban Justice: 1968-72
D.C.'s Red Summer: 1919
Nazi saboteurs: 1942-46
D.C. fire bias
Eisenhower on civil rights: 1953-60
GPO Strike: 1970
Records of Bill Fudge: 1933-54
Washington Free Community: 1968-74
WMA bus: 1922-73
Welfare rights: 1965-72
Socialist Party in the DMV
VA public transit
ATU 689 officers
Ralph Featherstone
The last delivery
Anti-Viet War GIs
C. Herbert Marshall
Johnson won’t run: 1968
Navy Yard 'Rosies': 1917-62
Civil Rights Congress: 1946-56
DC Democratic Action: 1940-46
March for Victory: 1970-71
Jesse Jackson in D.C.
AKA in D.C.
D.C. Plasterers' Union: 1964
Daniel Berrigan
Phillip Berrigan
Hosea Williams in D.C.
Henry Wallace in D.C.:
'Young Thurgood' Marshall
Anti-Semitism in the DMV
RAP: 1970-79
Rufus "Catfish" Mayfield
Frank D. Reeves
E. B. Henderson
Coretta Scott King in DC
L. D. Pratt: 1965-67
Va. Klan
The Klan in D.C.
Long Walk for Survival: 1980
Alex Ajay
Laura Bigman
Robert "Bob" Simpson
Howard Cook
Marian Anderson in D.C.
Hattie Sheehan
Frances Lewis
Marc T. Miller
William Z. Foster in D.C.
Kameny in D.C.
Rev. Douglas Moore
Emma Goldman
Ralph W. 'Petey' Greene
Clash at the BIA: 1971
National Alternative Periodicals
Peace Corps critics: 1966-73
Patrick B. "Paddy" Whalen
Longest Walk: 1978
Gwendolyn Britt (Greene)
Walter White
George E. C. Hayes
Sam Smith
DC Alternative Periodicals
No. Va. civil rights: 1938-68
Construction unions: 1939-46
High school activists
Protest S. Viet VP Ky: 1970
DC food deserts: 1965-1990
American University strike: 1970
Eugene Davidson
William Remington
Union representation elections: 1937-80
Trail of Self Determination: 1976
International Women's Day: March 8th
Freedom House: 1969
Postal pay disputes: 1934-81
D.C. housing
Washington Teachers Union
John Preston Davis in D.C.
O. Roy Chalk
Walter Bierwagen
Sue Reading
Charles Hamilton Houston
Craig Simpson
Annie Lee Moss
Clifford and Virginia Durr
George Meyers
William Worthy
Phillip Murray
Dr. Spock in D.C.
A. Phillip Randolph in D.C.
W. E. B. Du Bois in D.C.
Charles Cassell
Cleveland Sellers
Joseph Beirne
Puerto Rican sedition trials: 1954-55
Jerry Wilson
Julius Hobson
Oliver Palmer
Angela Davis in DC
Rennie Davis in the DMV
"Marc" Marcantonio in D.C.
Fidel in D.C.
Stokely in the DMV
Martin Chancey
J. Brinton "Brint" Dillingham
Abbie Hoffman in D.C.
Cathlyn Platt Wilkerson
Dagmar Wilson
Reginald Booker
Pauli Murray
William L. Patterson
Gloria Richardson Dandridge
Jerry Rubin
Mary Gannon
Harriet Tubman
David Levinson
Rap Brown in the DMV
Activist Marion Barry
Paul Robeson in D.C.
Imamu Amiri Baraka: 1968-74
Women's Strike for Peace: 1961-70
Va. public workers: 1970-90
Ex-slave convention: 1916
Narcs off campus: 1970s
Radical bank robbery: 1971
Capitol cafes: 1934-90
Prince George's strike: 1980
Rail workers: 1877-1990
Greyhound - Trailways: 1941-93
Prince George's protest
Jobs marches: 1978-1980
No Freeways; Build Metro: 1964-74
Benefit reductions: 1970-90
No-Knock: 1970
Feds for Peace: 1969-72
Telephone Traffic Union: 1944-47
Nurses strike: 1978
British out of Ireland: 1969-98
Overturn Bakke: 1977
No fare hike: 1966-72
Police brutality: 1966-72
End War, Jobs Now: 1971
Labor law reform: 1947-78
Anti-Korean War: 1950-53
Protest election: 1968
Christiana Riot: 1851
First Red Scare: 1919-25
Harrisburg 7: 1971-72
Wartime strikes: 1941-45
Longshore battle: 1951-54
Painters union: 1937-40
Escapes from slavery: 1853-58
Safeway Jim Crow: 1935-41
Black postal clerks: 1868-1971
World Citizen: 1948-49
Government union: 1934
PATCO strike: 1981
King in DC: 1956-68
Farmers' protest: 1969-85
Frederick Douglass: 1818-1895
S. Viets protest U.S.: 1954-75
GW Sino Soviet: 1969
Revolutionary Culture
DC area SDS: 1963-69
VA school segregation: 1954-66
Abortion rights: 1969-89
Cafeteria Local 471
Laundry strike: 1937
Interracial Dances: 1929-33
Federal Workers School: 1937
War against Iraq: 1991
Youth March: 1959
Spanish Civil War: 1936-39
Peace Union: 1958-67
Big Bill in DC: 1915
Sacco & Vanzetti: 1920-27
No social security cuts: 1981
Earth Day: 1970
Antiwar: 1967
Anti-deportation: 1940
Communist Assn. - 1944
DC Civil Rights: 1965-70
Price protests: 1946-73
Navy Yard wage cuts: 1921
Anti-Deng Protest: 1979
Adam C Powell in DC: 1940-70
Green Guards: 1940
Immigrant Rights
CCNV: 1973-1990
Malcolm in DC: 1961-63
Jim Crow at US Engraving: 1947-50
NoVa Theater Jim Crow: 1962-63
May Day: 1935
Women's Vote: 1910-1920
Goodman, Schwerner, Chaney: 1964
MD-DC Communists: 1920-65
DC Antiwar: 1971
Anti-lynching action: 1934-35
DC antiwar: 1970
Wallace in Maryland: 1964-76
Tom Mooney in DC: 1939
Townsend pension plan: 1936
Release John Porter: 1928
John L. Lewis in DC: 1935-69
Mt. Pleasant riot: 1991
Postal Employees: 1934
DC Voting Rights: 1932-73
NSA--CIA to NLF: 1967-71
Bicentennial protests: 1976
MD school segregationists: 1954-74
Terence Powderly: 1849-1924
Group Health: 1959
Debs in DC: 1921
Rats cause riots: 1967
Mr Zero in DC: 1921-32
Poor People's March: 1968
Fight for freedom: 1861-65
Palestinian protest: 1971
20th Anniversary March: 1983
Hunger Marches: 1931-32
Maryland Lynch Mobs: 1930-40
Exact bus fare: 1968
Rosenbergs' execution: 1953
Giles-Johnson case: 1961-67
Antiwar: 1917
Coxey's Army: 1894-1944
Women against war: 1920-81
King holiday: 1968-86
Hotel Workers: 1930-90
Celanese strike: 1936
DC area truck strikes: 1938-50
Jeanette Rankin: 1914-40
Women's International League: 1915-90
Puerto Rican Nationalists: 1950-54
Transit Strike: 1955
Dewey Canyon III: 1971
Transit Strike: 1951
Parents League: 1919
Samuel Gompers: 1850-1924
DC’s fighting barber 1947-54
DC Parks & Pools Integration: 1949-54
Irish Republicans: 1919-21
DC New Negro Alliance: 1934-43
DC Nat'l Negro Congress: 1936-55
Random radicals
Chicago 8/7 conspiracy: 1968-70
DC Civil Rights: 1960-64
Passaic Strike: 1926
DC Weather bombings: 1971-75
Bowie State: 1968
Solidarity Day: 1981-82
Jobless: 1949
Stadium Pickets: 1963-1990
DC Labor Meetings
LGBTQ+ Rights 1975-90
DC Anti-Vietnam War: 1968
Government Workers: 1928
DC Anti-Vietnam War: 1966
Terrence Johnson: 1979-80
Responding to the right: 1940-85
Hit & Stay: 1967-75
Largest Anti-Viet War Protest: 1971
Mary McLeod Bethune:
Universal childcare: 1971
Communications Workers: 1947-80
Bonus Army: 1932-34
UMD Black Student Union: 1968-75
Maryland Slave Revolt: 1845
March on Washington: 1963
Madalyn Murray O'Hair in D.C.: 1963-79
Truman at NAACP: 1947
African American GAR: 1900-35
Statement Flags: 1930-75
People's Party: 1972
Laurence G. Henry: 1960-61
March on DC: 1958
Cambridge MD Rights: 1963-67
ATU 689 Birth: 1916-17
DC Area Strike Wave: 1945-46
Capital Transit Strikes: 1945
Moratorium: Oct. 1969
Mother Jones: 1837-1930
No Forced ROTC: 1930-70
Anti-Draft Protests: 1947-80
Youth Congress: 1934-41
Catholic U. Strike: 1967
Taft Hartley Protests: 1947
DC Selma Reaction: 1965
Howard U Protests: 1967-69
Moratorium: Nov. 1969
DC Unemployed Protest: 1930
Mayday: May 5, 1971
Seamen March on DC: 1937
For Fair Employment: 1941-50
Abolish Poll Taxes: 1940-48
Honor America Day: 1970
DC Anti-Vietnam War: 1965
DC Red Scares
Mayday, May 4, 1971
Prayer Pilgrimage: 1957
Mayday: May 3, 1971
Mayday: May 2, 1971
Mayday: May 1, 1971
March on Pentagon: 1967
Demand Open Housing: 1963-67
MD Civil Rights: 1948-68
WPA Protests: 1936-40
MLK Assassinated: 1968
Immigration Rights: 1930
No to Imperialism: 1920-90
Interracial Strike: 1937
Gone With Wind Protest: 1940
DC Streetcar Women: 1943-61
Georgia Lynching Protests: 1946
DC Scottsboro Action: 1932-35
Free Willie McGee: 1945-51
Glen Echo Picket: 1960
MoCo Teachers Strike: 1968
Republican Convention: 1972
Bilbo Has Got to Go: 1945-46
Mary Church Terrell: 1863-1954
Rennie Davis at Montgomery College: 1973
Martinsville 7 Execution: 1951
Liberation of Dachau: 1945
Off to Fight Fascism: 1942-45
U of MD Ignites: 1970
No DC Police Brutality: 1941
No DC Police Brutality 1936-40
No VA Jim Crow? - 1946
Rockville MD Sit-In: 1960
BIA Takeover: 1972
Homes Not Roads: 1969
100 Hour Hiser Picket: 1960
DC Jim Crow Theaters: 1922-54
Police Raid Progressives: 1948
Women's Rights: 1921-81
Anti-Lynching Campaign: 1922
DC Rights Warrior: 1960
Counter-Inaugural: 1969
Resistance to Klan in MD
African Liberation: 1952-86
MD Crab Strike: 1938
Free Press Battle: 1969
DC Black Panthers 1968-74
DC LGBTQ+ Rights 1965-74
Pre-War Peace Pickets: 1941
Marie Richardson Remembered
Fighting Capital Transit Jim Crow Hiring: 1941-55
VA Restaurant Sit-Ins: 1960
Native American miscellaneous
Post Busts Pressmen's Union 1975
Rebellion Against System: DC Jail 1972
MoCo Gay Teacher Fired 1972-73
News workers: 1949-75
K Graham Burned in Effigy 1976
No Nukes: 1950-85
Inauguration Protest: 1973
Unemployed League: 1934-35
Workers Alliance: 1935-40
Anti-Fascist Protests: 1930s
Sammie Abbott Appreciation
Cutbacks & Layoffs Must Stop at U of MD 1973
No Cuts in Jobless Benefits 1975-77
Vets March on White House 7/4/74
DC Metro Wildcat Strikes: 1978
Throw the Bum Out! 1973-74
Farmworkers Safeway Boycott 1973
Transit Strike 1974
ROTC Off Campus: U MD 1971
U MD Antiwar Protests 1972
DC Women's Detention Center 1973
DC Anti-Vietnam War 1972
Confrontation at Mineral Pigment 1973
On the Job Murder at Metro 1974
Racism at Library of Congress 1971-73
Terps at Issue in Hotel Fight 1974
Servicemen Demand Bonus 1973
Free 12 Iranian Artists 1973
Union Fight at Lanham Hotel 1974
Hotel Workers Hit GOP 1974
Final March: Vietnam War 1975
Yippie Smoke-In 1973
Legalize Pot: 1979
Tear the Walls Down 1973
Say No to Rhodesian Chrome 1973
Wanted: William E. Colby 1973
Meeting at Central Presbyterian 1973
Caucus Pickets Steel Talks 1977
DC Jail Uprising Trial 1974
VA Target of Vets Picket 7/2/74
Vets Hit Military Court 7/2/74
Demanding Justice at Justice 7/3/74
Surveying Police Surveyors 1971-73
Farah Boycott Dec 1973
May Day Picket 1974
Teamsters Strike Safeway 1963-74
CIA Out of Greece 1974
Meat Cutters Strike Betrayed 1973
Down with the Shah 1974
Retail Clerks: 1960-79
Keep Out of Mideast War 1973
Mike Quatro Concert 1972
ATU Local 689: No Service 1974
Union Staff Strike NEA Union 1974
Children's March for Survival 1972
March on Pentagon 1972
Peoples Drug Strikes 1960-74
Fairfax Hotel Strike 1974
Washington Area Spark
Spark & On The Move Mastheads
Photographers of Spark & On The Move 1971-77
Images Published in Spark
Images Published in On The Move
Spark & On The Move in Action 1973-74
Spark & On The Move Trivia
Two Children at Spark House 1972