Washington Area Spark: Last minute instructions for D.C. bus boycott: 1966
Washington Area Spark: Bus boycott and Free D.C. organizer—L. D. Pratt: 1966
Washington Area Spark: Boycott on the Benning Road bus lines: 1968
Washington Area Spark: Pratt talks about bus boycott; Free DC: 1966
Washington Area Spark: White advisor in the D.C. SNCC office: 1966
Washington Area Spark: Riders let buses go by; wait for alternative rides: 1968
Washington Area Spark: Alternate transportation during D.C. bus boycott: 1968
Washington Area Spark: Bus boycott spurred demands for Metro takeover of buses
Washington Area Spark: Alternative transportation during bus boycott: 1968
Washington Area Spark: Press Conference: No Increase in Bus Fares
Washington Area Spark: Bus fare hikes denounced by activist Hobson: 1970
Washington Area Spark: Rev. Joe Gibson opposes bus fare increase: 1970
Washington Area Spark: Kwame Afoh and Reginald Booker at bus protest: 1970
Washington Area Spark: Hobson arrested in bus fare increase protest: 1970
Washington Area Spark: Hundreds march against bus fare increase: 1970
Washington Area Spark: Hobson renews challenge to 40 cent bus fare: 1972