Washington Area Spark:
Trail of Broken Treaties Press Conference: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
BIA Spokesperson at Trail of Broken Treaties Protest: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Native demonstrators gather in BIA auditorium: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Carmichael talks with BIA Commissioner Bruce: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Carmichael offers support to Native Americans: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Native Americans Take Over BIA in DC: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Bill Cross at Trail of Broken Treaties Demonstration: 1970
Washington Area Spark:
At the Trail of Broken Treaties in DC: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Prepared for the Worst at the Bureau of Indian Affairs: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Trail of Broken Treaties Participant: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Floyd Young Horse at Trail of Broken Treaties in DC: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Housekeeping During the BIA Occupation: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Marilyn Nuttle at Trail of Broken Treaties in DC: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Native Americans await confrontation at BIA: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Passing the time during BIA occupation: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Dr. Spock offers support to American Indian Movement: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Documents Liberated from BIA Commissioner’s Safe: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Molotov Cocktail in BIA After Native Americans Leave: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Barricades and scattered files at the BIA: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Native Americans end occupation of BIA: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Scattered files after BIA occupation ends: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Bureau of Indian Affairs occupation ends: 1972
Washington Area Spark:
Teepee dismantled after BIA occupation ends