ajhaysom: Male Superb Fairywren 2021-12-22 (7D_182A2153)
Denis Cauchoix: Potron minet
sandrorotonaria: Untitled
β r υ η o: Tranquillity
jantoniojess: Calle Ganivet
Chi Ken Yeung: Red-tailed hawk
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Sous la dalle - Under the concrete slab
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Station Cité
jneydson: Parque das Águas - Villa Rial
jneydson: Até amanhã!
Viv.....: Colourful Lorikeet
Ronny The Rooster: Swallow chasing bugs!
guillermocaballerochacon: Fumarel Cariblanco (Chlidonias hybrida)
robinlamb1: Relaxing by the Pool
picsessionphotoarts: The Painter
dbrandesphotos: JS1A8617sig
dbrandesphotos: JS1A8591v3sig
Hishyar H.: Grey Heron
monte stinnett: Xena with dinner
koen_jacobs: Meet Mr. Wolf
emvri85: Cuernos del Paine au lever du soleil #2 [ Parc national Torres del Paine ~ Chili ]
Oscar Padilla Álvarez: Jaguar americano
rmikulec: Warbler or Nuthatch!?
ajhaysom: Parliament Steps 2019-05-09 (5D_32A4314)
ajhaysom: Hustle Bustle 2019-05-09 (5D_32A4365)