Svein K. Bertheussen: Cranes at Hornborgasjön
Svein K. Bertheussen: Cranes at Hornborgasjön
Geraint Rowland Photography: The Pushkar Ninja
MedicineMan4040: RWBB in the bramble
Kari Siren: Reflection
Vest der ute: Godfarhamn, Norway
PixPep: Lights on
Anders_3: Day's end
Tjidididi: Me and my deer friends..
echumachenco: At the Turtmann lake, Wallis/Valais Alps, Switzerland
Espen Ørud: Morsk lavskrike på kvist
Ranveig Marie Photography: The Yellow-Throated Sandgrouse
SnappyMac: Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
MedicineMan4040: OMs enters the fray
erlingsi: Goksøyr eiendom -|- Higher up
Kjell75: Still winter.
Kjell75: Still winter.
Kjell75: Still winter.
echumachenco: On the summit of the Barrhorn (3610 m), Valais/Wallis Alps, Switzerland.
Daniel.35690: LA TRACTION AVANT . . .
MedicineMan4040: Tree Swallow
Bob Gunderson: Western Bluebird
ChicagoBob46: Feather fluffing
SnappyMac: Brent Geese (Branta Bernicla)