cunabula: Home.
Foxtongue: Off to #Shambala! Leaving now. First stop, Osoyoos. We might be offline until next week, but we'll check in where and when we can. #roadtrip
Foxtongue: To continue Alexandre's birthday hedonism, I present the Thierry Chocolate's Black Forest cake, (with a twoonie for scale, just to confuse the Middle Americans). Pretty sure it's about 8lbs of high quality cake. Happy birthday Alexandre!
Tyr Jami: after class
Jairus: Old City Hall
zuzu knew: Undercut in time for winter.
Foxtongue: A perfect example of Canadian #grafitti spotted in the wild. #eastvan #politic
rocketjohn: When you are the moon...
Foxtongue: #thebridge #commuting
Foxtongue: pink!
rocketjohn: Books; Felbrigg Hall
Rockefort: @tomirony tries his hand at the long range targets. On purpose this time.
Rockefort: Meagan levels in Archery.
rocketjohn: I Spy
rocketjohn: Kingfisher (f)
rocketjohn: Kingfisher (m) with catch
rocketjohn: Grey Heron coming in to land over the reedbeds
Rockefort: Window booth at Bagels, Etc. for the first time ever!
JamesEverett: Scotland Summer 2012-72
JamesEverett: Scotland Summer 2012-70
Exmoor Mare: one blade of grass
rocketjohn: Murderous
Shattered Designs: Time To Slide! The forest by night