Exmoor Mare: First moorbred Exmoor Pony foal of the year!
Exmoor Mare: What a fabulous secret santa courtesy of the lovely exmoor pony group I belong to on Faceache! This beautiful needle felted portrait of our youngcollie captures her superbly, created with the help of one of my images of her! Wishing you a great 2023
Exmoor Mare: Maggie
Exmoor Mare: Exmoor boys!! Sorry I’ve been absent for so long - hope you’re all doing ok 😊
Exmoor Mare: #ExmoorDay this was my offering, when asked to say where my happy place was I said wherever I was checking Exmoor Ponies on the moor, if I had to narrow it down then I’d have to say my local patch - once a week I walk 20+ miles pony checking on Dunkery
Exmoor Mare: Apologies folks for the lack of activity here - I’m still pony checking regularly and sadly Moss can’t walk with me, he’s on the mend but fairly sure Lymes has been the issue 😬
Exmoor Mare: Belated happy New Year folks!!
Exmoor Mare: Moss thought it was time to pose and say hello!
Exmoor Mare: Aye aye Skippers!
Exmoor Mare: HSS Exmoor Pony selfie style 😉
Exmoor Mare: Baldrick’s Boss! Melanistic adder enjoying the sun in early March!
Exmoor Mare: Hello lad!! Bit windy today!
Exmoor Mare: Sometimes you have to stand alone...
Exmoor Mare: Who needs a rug?! We don’t, we’ve grown our own!
Exmoor Mare: Hope you’ve all had a good Christmas - this little chap was getting ready to take part in a Nativity in Molland-he was a very good lad! Can’t beat proper wild moorbred Exmoors!
Exmoor Mare: Exmoor beauty HSS!!
Exmoor Mare: HSS Exmoor foal style!
Exmoor Mare: Don’t photobomb Mum!!
Exmoor Mare: Summer delights!
Exmoor Mare: She was watching Peter eat his porridge wondering why her breakfast had flown away!
Exmoor Mare: I see you!
Exmoor Mare: The window of the soul
Exmoor Mare: Ice flowers! On a foggy icy Exmoor last Monday - just an iPhone pic as my 105 and I didn’t agree on the big pic!
Exmoor Mare: Not often we do this but a lovely sunrise made for selfie fun with Asbo and Erik!
Exmoor Mare: Best friends know how to care for each other !!
Exmoor Mare: Greystonegate Conker and two of his sons!
Exmoor Mare: Family time!
Exmoor Mare: Uncommon blue