cfowallburg: Rothirsch im Darßer Morgennebel
cfowallburg: Ingos Bekassine
cfowallburg: Klein Ingo
cfowallburg: Kranichzug - Landeanflug
cfowallburg: Kranichzug - Landeanflug
Dennis Westover: Keeping watch - Masai Mara, Kenya, Africa
John LeClair: Lion Cub Backlit (In Explore January 22, 2025)
Jambo53 (): River crossing....
JensLPZ: A portrait: Wacholderdrossel (turdus pilaris) - Fieldfare · · · (5D4_5425)
sdawesy1: Leopard (Panthera pardus)
ChicagoBob46: Catch of the morning
ChicagoBob46: Cleaning up
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Buffaloes + Oxpecker on the African savanna
Brunswick Forge: 2019.06.06.2878.D500 Serengeti Simba
jasonmoore151: Lions - Mara North
John LeClair: Spotted Hyena-Backlit
Dennis Westover: Big hug for Mom - Masai Mara, Kenya, Africa
Jambo53 (): Lilac Breasted Roller
Anton Farm: Female Cheetah after the meal !
Anton Farm: Giraffe at Sunset Black Grouse frontal lighting_5012636-Edit
leendert3: African Leopard
alainclement: Long-eared Owl - Hibou Moyen Duc
alainclement: Meet the King at sunrise - Rencontrer le roi au lever du soleil
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): evening in the Mara