John LeClair: Lion Cub Backlit (In Explore January 22, 2025)
John LeClair: Spotted Hyena-Backlit
John LeClair: Belted Kingfisher in Flight
John LeClair: Pied Kingfisher Hovering
John LeClair: Leopard and Her Cub (In Explore January 4, 2025)
John LeClair: Grass Fed Buffalo
John LeClair: Wait Your Turn!
John LeClair: Share and Share Alike!
John LeClair: Bad Day for the Impala Baby
John LeClair: Cheetah on the Run
John LeClair: Cheetah Family at Sunrise
John LeClair: Playtime with Momma
John LeClair: Lion Cub on the Run
John LeClair: Hamerkop Soaring Thru the Morning Air
John LeClair: Cheetah Stare Down
John LeClair: Serval in the Grass
John LeClair: Vermilion Flycatcher on the Hunt
John LeClair: Play Time!! (In Explore December 15, 2024)
John LeClair: Malachite Kingfisher
John LeClair: Sunrise on the Mara
John LeClair: Little Bee-eater Backlit
John LeClair: Cheetah on the Hunt
John LeClair: Lilac-breasted Roller in Flight
John LeClair: Wake up Mom!
John LeClair: Don't Play With Your Food!!!
John LeClair: Bald Eagle with Nesting Material
John LeClair: Tawny Eagle Kill Approach
John LeClair: Bad Day for the Fish.....
John LeClair: Tawny Eagle in Flight
John LeClair: Whatcha lookin' at?