Thomas Hawk: Posterity
Traveler 旅人: 酷攝影😊
Billy & Andy: A pinky pair of late summer cactus blooms
Marie-35: Hibiscus du jardin.
tejerajulio: DSC00970
atanasgatanasov: The role of natural products in diseases prevention
J.o.h.n.n.y: Complementary colours
Billy & Andy: What bee could resist this beauty?
koen_jacobs: Meet Mr. Wolf
koen_jacobs: London fog
koen_jacobs: Summer morning
Billy & Andy: Seriously cereus
Pejasar: file12973-Edit.jpg
*ALLA*: ***
rhFOTO hochstrasser: Neonsegelfalter (Graphium agamemnon)
Marie-35: Soucis.
rhFOTO hochstrasser: Blauflügelente (männchen)
Pejasar: Softly and tenderly
rhFOTO hochstrasser: Fächertaube
Pejasar: orange flavored lily
hood1960: IMG_2086
Thomas Hawk: Four Seasons Punta Mita
axi11a: Spilling Gain