Pejasar: Hot & humid exhaustion after soccer game
Pejasar: Happiest dog in Honduras
Pejasar: The portable store
Pejasar: Balance and strength
Pejasar: If lines were musical notes
Pejasar: Double slide inflatable in B&W
Pejasar: I don’t believe in ferries!
Pejasar: Portrait of soccer player on a hot day
Pejasar: Flowers by the soccer field
Pejasar: A peace of winter
Pejasar: Camel in Petra waiting for a rider
Pejasar: A happy face in a sad place
Pejasar: Naked tree shadows in the snow
Pejasar: My colorful first view in the morning
Pejasar: Brothers
Pejasar: Tropical plant in Honduras
Pejasar: A double watch in the window
Pejasar: Outdoor cathedral for five geese
Pejasar: Cold morning sunshine on the bridge
Pejasar: A river and a dirt road in Honduras
Pejasar: Under the 21st Street bridge
Pejasar: Smiling bicycle boy
Pejasar: Rural Honduras open air market
Pejasar: Parachuters obstacle course
Pejasar: No drinking coffee on the patio this morning
Pejasar: A bridge over untroubled waters
Pejasar: One of Big Bend’s bends
Pejasar: Painted face boy
Pejasar: Lost in the details of time
Pejasar: Winter blanket