www.stevenrobinsonpictures.com: The Boats under the Plough and Little Dipper
Serge Lascelle: Crispy crunch under the tires
Brunswick Forge: 2025.01.05.0871.Z8 Swan in Snow
erik.karole: Bald Eagle Takeoff
ber52: Dad
jonarnefoss2013: 2duo birds
Wildonline.blog: Brown Rat
Wildonline.blog: European Robin
astrocamp.eu: Cormoran
ni mas, ni menos: Esto me lo encontre en un pueblo abandonado, I found this in an abandoned village,
drbut: Redpoll
Frantisek Brablc: WT-9 Dynamic ( OK-OUU 34 )
henryhensel: 290A2718
WalrusTexas: Vigilance
brecht.corbeel: 2024-12-22-234637_fluxUnchainedBySCG_fuT58x8E4m3fnV11_1060385776079601_1060385776079605 - a small hamy is held in a person's hands
dklaughman: Two Sandhill Cranes approaching...IM8A0023CR3AT
astrocamp.eu: Sylt | Germany
brecht.corbeel: 2024-12-23-013551_fluxUnchainedBySCG_fuT58x8E4m3fnV11_85125747683475_85125747683481 - a cat standing on top of a lily covered field
Roland C.: ZRH/LSZH: Emirates Airlines (NBA National Basketball Association Livery) / Airbus A380-861 - MSN 168 / A6-EOD
ricardo00: white-breasted nuthatch looking for some food
Eric A Lundquist: Dads passed down Pentax K1000
U.S. Pacific Fleet: 241227-N-FS097-1025
Brunswick Forge: 2024.12.27.3642.Z7II Greenfield Bluebird
tedwill48170: Blue Heeler
David441491: Greater Cleveland Aquarium 12-22-2016 97
dklaughman: Wood Duck male...IM8A9359CR3AT
clarkcg photography: The Day After