@macro_action: Eye can focus on the details
leucadendron: Cherry Blossom.
phbyo: wood duck
phbyo: chickadee
RuudMorijn-NL: Walking in the mist
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-1502-Ferdinandea cuprea
jimsc: Wild asters still blooming in early November
Wildonline.blog: Grey Squirrel
Wildonline.blog: Blue tit
andriot.jac: Aigrette à la houppe
mclcbooks: Sunrise, Chatfield State Park
Jayris Lin: 台中漫博、富興工廠-686
majka44: autumn
ThatsRick: Pleocoma conjungens - We Call This A Sugar Beetle
Eclectic Jack: Blue Monday: Flower
Eclectic Jack: Blue Monday: Building
Ignacio Ferre: Crested Tit
https://www.facebook.com/michele.nespoli: Picchio Rosso _ Dendrocopos major
DL_Dietz: Belted Kingfisher #2 - 2020-08-15
leucadendron: Protea Blushing Bride.
DL_Dietz: Tufted Titmouse - 2020-08-23
DL_Dietz: Great Blue Heron (2023-03-08 #8)
thegirlwholeftthefridgeopen: Carl Gustav Jung
Stephen G Nelson: Mourning Dove
Wildonline.blog: European Robin
Wildonline.blog: European Robin
phbyo: great blue heron
phbyo: red winged blackbird
Nick Ransdale: IMG_8191. Trichopoda pennipes (Tachinidae)