Omnitrigger: Great Horned Treeline
pkomo: 5275
Wildlife_2010: European bisons
aestheticsofcrisis: We don't care about friendly cops
aestheticsofcrisis: I'd like to work without disguising myself
aestheticsofcrisis: Do not miss my happiness
Eric Walet: No more bad hair days
Gladys Klip: Steenuil / Little owl / Chevêche d'Athéna
Samuel Raison: L'aurore
paylos2: October-at-sea
Hawkeye39: IMG_3521
cupitt1: Crossing the line
Marco MCMLXXVI: The nature of the Mountains
Ronan'35: Laissez donc vos pensées négatives traverser votre conscience comme des nuages traversent le vide du ciel. -Jack Kornfield-
ilanBenYehuda: DSCF3327
aestheticsofcrisis: Remembering means fighting (Ivan, Clement, Pavlos, Carlos)
aestheticsofcrisis: Eat ass, hail Satan
pkomo: 3928
Hawkeye39: IMG_1791 2
enriquesalvo: Gracious little girl.
cupitt1: Ceremonial
Pascal Riemann: Selfoss / Iceland
aestheticsofcrisis: Who writes with a [fork?] has a place in the well
aestheticsofcrisis: The only skirt it causes is the Fustanella
aestheticsofcrisis: Against evictions and Airbnb, let's enter the empty houses
aestheticsofcrisis: The revolution won't be social-media-ized