dbifulco: On guard
pkefali: Fawn (Explored)
hillboy2300: spent 30-06 cartridge on the Blair mtn. battlefield in Logan county, WV
Larry W Brown: New Life In The Meadow
Larry W Brown: JUDICIOUS
Larry W Brown: Upper Rose River Falls
wvsawwhet: Indigo Bunting
Photos by the Swamper: Old Timer (Snapping Turtle) with scar on carapace, My guess is from Outboard Propellor)
wvsawwhet: Tree Swallow
wvsawwhet: Tree Swallow
gerstat: Blue jay
Larry W Brown: Skyline Drive Colors
wvsawwhet: Northern Parula Warbler
wvsawwhet: Yellow-throated Warbler
wvsawwhet: Wood Duck
wvsawwhet: Golden-crowned Kinglet
jimbobphoto: foggy morning in the woods
Larry W Brown: Autumn Hyperphagia
www.studebakerstudio.com: Black-chinned Hummingbird
dbifulco: Quizzical
gerstat: Barred owl
Larry W Brown: Hazel Mountain Sunrise
dbifulco: Black-throated Blue Warbler
dbifulco: Number 50, relaxing in the garden
Kamal50: Negotiating
Jake M. Scott: Blue-striped Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis similis)
Kamal50: Sunbathing Skimmer
terrygray: Sep9,2016 DSC00408 White-lined Sphinx Moth