Photos by the Swamper: It was after sundown and I getting ready to go back in the house when I noticed motion at the feeder and here was this pair of Cardinals, looks like an dult feeding young!!
Photos by the Swamper: Milkweed blooms
Photos by the Swamper: Ruby Throated Hummungbird
Photos by the Swamper: Ruby Throated Hummungbird
Photos by the Swamper: Sharing, Tufted Titmoise & Downy Woodpecker
Photos by the Swamper: Adult Chipmunk won't let youngster on the feeder
Photos by the Swamper: While I was photographing a Mourning Dove, a Doe snuck in from my left for snack
Photos by the Swamper: While I was photographing a Mourning Dove, a Doe snuck in from my left for snack
Photos by the Swamper: I finally captured the irradescence in the Dove plumage
Photos by the Swamper: Titmouse fledglings in the birdbath
Photos by the Swamper: Titmouse fledglings in the birdbath
Photos by the Swamper: Titmouse fledglings in the birdbath
Photos by the Swamper: Mom titmouse keeps an eye on her brood in the birdbath
Photos by the Swamper: Mom titmouse keeps an eye on her brood in the birdbath
Photos by the Swamper: The young Woodchuck have found the feeder!!
Photos by the Swamper: Two youngsters checking to see if the coast is clear!!
Photos by the Swamper: Red Squirrel