AchimOWL: Buntspecht (Dendrocopos major) Männchen
hedera.baltica: Red squirrel
Ting Ting Chen: Eclosion
cjgoddard1952: Salt & Pepper
ludwig.roemer: Sunflower
Hydraheerd (Aly Bolhuis): “ Autumn light “
Hydraheerd (Aly Bolhuis): “ ……. snow in autumn “
g.cordel: Leste brun
Ting Ting Chen: A Man in a Red Chaperon
pienw: [autumn]
Martin Tidbury: Ashford In The Water
Ezzo33: Paon du jour ..Aglais io
kizbura: Protogoniomorpha parhassus
Frau Koriander: waldbaden
lechindianer2.0: Papa Smurf
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb, Hubble Examine Galaxy Pair
James Webb Space Telescope: Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (MIRI Image)
graehammounteney: Wall Brown. Hoe Grange Butterfly Conservation NR, Longcliffe, Derbyshire Peak. DSC_0572.jpg
pienw: [autumn]
strjustin: Cool Quiet Waters Orb-Weaver 7-18-23
Jeroen Hillenga: Grote Markt
Pieter ( PPoot ): de Bosbeek
Franck Zumella: Pararge aegeria - Speckled wood - Tircis
u_uebelhart: 02401-2: Schwalbenwurz-Enzian, Gentiana asclepiadea
Ting Ting Chen: Tilley House
royd63uk: Wool Carder Bee
FarnboroJohn TYVM for 5,000,000 Views: 20240814 (11)_Grey_Cracker_Hamadryas_februa