strjustin: Spud Dorsal View 9-26-23
strjustin: Sweat Bee Cleaning Antenna 8-31-24
strjustin: Parasitic Wasp 8-31-24
strjustin: Cleo Mid Color Change 3-7-24
strjustin: Mockingbird 3-7-24
strjustin: Juvenile Cleo 2-23-24
strjustin: Cool Aquarium Fish 1-4-23
strjustin: Adorable Pacman Frog 2-8-24
strjustin: Spud The Stud 1-28-24
strjustin: Tan Jumper 9-3-22
strjustin: Green Lynx with Fly 8-22-24
strjustin: Sweat Bee on Blackeyed Susan 8-22-24
strjustin: Atticus on Purple Flower 6-12-22
strjustin: Warrior Grasshopper 8-20-24
strjustin: Green Tree Frog Macro 8-14-24
strjustin: Cool Huntley Dragonfly 8-14-24
strjustin: Beautiful Huntley Garter Snake 8-14-24
strjustin: Green Tree Frog 8-14-24
strjustin: Nashville Zoo Flamingo 6-26-24
strjustin: Tennessee Skink 6-27-24
strjustin: Metallic Beetle 7-1-24
strjustin: Orbweaver Underside 7-1-24
strjustin: Milkweed Beetle 7-1-24
strjustin: Spotted Lanternfly 7-18-24
strjustin: Cute Little Waterford Jumper 7-18-24
strjustin: Garden Hoverfly 7-18-24
strjustin: Garden Fly 7-23-24
strjustin: Cute Little Sweat Bee 8-3-24
strjustin: Paper Wasp 7-23-24
strjustin: Milkweed Bug Confrontation 7-23-24