veejaka: IMG_6218
Riksīts Rīgā: 2015-05-02 17.51.35
veejaka: kor
veejaka: IMG_1115
veejaka: IMG_1144
statikmotion: crossed my heart
mazzerin: RT-32 Coca-Cola: Don't stay bottled up, speak out against Russia's anti-gay laws! Billboards circle Coca-Cola HQ
Riksīts Rīgā: Rīga-20130525-10673
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: The Ulitimage Photo Shoot Location - Targeting Earth Photographs From Orbit
beakee: Lets Hume-r him...
Saeima: Saeimā viesojas Turcijas prezidents
mazzerin: kaktuss
veejaka: 16390010
veejaka: 20120027
james4765: Hard Drive head detail photos: UCI Track Cycling World Cup Glasgow - Day 1 photos: UCI Track Cycling World Cup Glasgow - Day 1
montel7: liquid colours
Carl Carl: Lottie-in-a-Box!
channel packet: Zhalai Nouer
Riksīts Rīgā: IMG-20120423-05858
Riksīts Rīgā: IMG-20120423-05865
dorinem: Woops!
Smithsonian Institution: Nephtyidae polychaetes found off the cost of Palmer Peninsula, Antarctic, c. 1962