Smithsonian Institution: Lucile Quarry Mann Feeding Tiger Cub, Babette
Smithsonian Institution: Marian H. Pettibone at Her Retirement
Smithsonian Institution: Mary Rice at Florida Marine Station's Lab
Smithsonian Institution: Mrs. Leila Forbes Clark Facing Camera
Smithsonian Institution: Waldo LaSalle Schmitt
Smithsonian Institution: Waldo L. Schmitt and Thomas E. Bowman examining a giant crab of Japan
Smithsonian Institution: Claudine Brown
Smithsonian Institution: Citizen Regent Jeannine Smith Clark
Smithsonian Institution: Sophie Lutterlough at a Microscope, 1983
Smithsonian Institution: Amina Dickerson
Smithsonian Institution: Shark, Pearl Islands, Panama, 3 March 1935
Smithsonian Institution: Large swamp a few miles from La Jagua Hunting Club, 10 February 1935. (Rake catfish taken here)
Smithsonian Institution: Kingstown, Jamaica, leaving harbor, aboard SS Calamores(?), 24 January 1935
Smithsonian Institution: Rio Chiriqui Viejo, at Mr. Lewis's camp. Temperature February 4 to 7, 1935 ranged from 54 degrees (f) of mornings to 57 degrees (f) in afternoons
Smithsonian Institution: La Jagua Hunting Club, Panama, 10 February 1935
Smithsonian Institution: Papaya or "Pepya". Note melon-like fruit attached to trunk of trees near top. Barro Colorado Island Laboratory, 5 March 1935. Name of Plant is "papayo". Name of fruit in Cuba is "fruta bomba."
Smithsonian Institution: Entrance to Chilibrillo Cave, on Madden Dam Road, C.Z., 13 February 1935
Smithsonian Institution: View from shore of Madden Lake at "mouth" of Boqueron, 12 February 1935
Smithsonian Institution: "Florence R." at floating deck, on shore of [?] Island, Pearl Islands, Panama, 2 March 1935
Smithsonian Institution: "Amberjock", Pearl Islands, 21 lbs., 38 1/2 inches, 3 March 1935
Smithsonian Institution: On shore of Pedro Gonzales Island, Pearl Islands, Panama, 1 March 1935. Cayuca [sic], Hildbrand and two native helpers
Smithsonian Institution: Mr. Lewis's camp on Rio Chiriqui Viejo, Panama at elevation of about 6000 feet.
Smithsonian Institution: Rocky island, Pearl Islands, Panama, 2 March 1935
Smithsonian Institution: Griswold farm area, East Chatham 7 1/2 quadrangle, Columbia Co., New York
Smithsonian Institution: Hammer on Centropleura bed
Smithsonian Institution: Northwest face of Mt. Stephen from the top of Mt. Field, Showing North Gully and Fossil Gully
Smithsonian Institution: Boundaries checked 1/7/48
Smithsonian Institution: Type section of Charny Formation (Lower Cambrian) at Chaudiere Falls, Quebec
Smithsonian Institution: Potsfordia pretiosa shale (Lower Cambrian) near Charny, Quebec