strjustin: Crab Spider with Sweat Bee 7-18-23
copperknob2011: Boys Relaxing
copperknob2011: Showing and talking about my work at Bookham Camera Club
tobchasinglight: Warerham, Dorset
strjustin: Cleo Mid Color Change 3-7-24
copperknob2011: Wearing Ankle Boots
strjustin: Spud Calling A Waiter 1-28-24
copperknob2011: On the Jetty, Broadstairs
andredekesel: Curculionid
strjustin: Atticus Was a Beast RIP 6-12-22
touchingthelight: 1993_402148 - Lutheran Cathedral, Helsinki
touchingthelight: 2024_366056 - Prawns
touchingthelight: 2024_366070 - Reflects
Ann and Chris: Short-eared Owl
Ann and Chris: Short-eared Owl with snowy face
touchingthelight: 1993_402146- Lutheran Cathedral, Helsinki
touchingthelight: 1993_402137 - Uspensky Cathedral, Helsinki
strjustin: Tiny Green Lynx Spider 2-13-24
strjustin: Sitka Owl 5-10-23
strjustin: Spud on Orange Flower 1-28-23
tobchasinglight: Savernake Forest
S l a w e k: Dissolution
Ann and Chris: Owl and Kestrel fight
strjustin: Atticus on Leaf 1-31-23
Ann and Chris: Look twice., It's not a Short Eared Owl
strjustin: Screaming Sitka Eagle 5-8-23