blindpainter1: Seeschwalbe
blindpainter1: Canon EOS 80D
blindpainter1: Das Paar
blindpainter1: Unruhiger Geist
Isidro Jabato: dilluns amb flors i un bitxo
raahede-p: Happy faces all around..
raahede-p: Peacefully..
raahede-p: The girl on the stairs..
raahede-p: The sunset and a silhouette
raahede-p: Lonely tree
koen_jacobs: The Descent
Behappyaveiro: As a butterfly
raahede-p: My Sunday sunshine, hide Monday's rain..
Rómulo Rejón: 20190302 Sofia & Nina 036.jpg
Rómulo Rejón: 20190303 Sofia 063.jpg
raahede-p: Rust never sleeps..
raahede-p: I've been walking these streets so long...
Rómulo Rejón: 20170810 Madikwe 070.jpg
koen_jacobs: I need new glasses
raahede-p: The drop..
raahede-p: I'm just looking on..
raahede-p: Saint Malo ☀️
raahede-p: Mellow man
raahede-p: The light's shining through on you........
raahede-p: Just a face in the crowd...
raahede-p: When the leaves come falling down...
raahede-p: Overload of Christmas
raahede-p: Christmas time is here again...