raivet: Poiana / buzzard
magiblue: Cape Buffalo
iamfisheye: Fight for Life
mkeoouic16: _49I4821_VF-1_DxO
mkeoouic16: _49I3276_VF_DxO
mkeoouic16: C49I7031_VF_DxO
sErGiO Ornitho, Mais pas que...: Chardonneret élégant (Carduelis carduelis)
sErGiO Ornitho, Mais pas que...: Mésange charbonnière (Parus major)
alainclement: a very pleasant meeting - une rencontre bien sympathique !!!
mayekarulhas: Mourning dove
boonloke: MOUNT
mayekarulhas: Leopard
sharon.verkuilen: Spa Soak? Elephant enjoying a marshy area- Amboseli NP, Kenya
Frans.Sellies: Task completed
smrc_: Corner.
alainclement: Malachite Kingfisher - Martin Pecheur huppé
SVA1969: Under the umbrella
philippeoros: Vaneau huppé
Tyrone James Ping: Naja mossambica - Mozambique Spitting cobra
ap0013: Hatcher Pass
WhiteEye2: A bobcat coming for a drink
Carsten Bahnsen: Rauchschwalbe / barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Francesc F P: Picot garser gros
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Male Blackbird enjoying an apple in winter sunlight
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Male Blackbird standing proud in the winter sun on a dead bough
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Male Blackbird foraging in snow
Hadi Hormozi: Paris by boat
Hadi Hormozi: Innsbruck