JeanXplore: Road in the middle of the mountain
Peter Stahl Photography: American Redstart (F)
sbuckinghamnj: Common Bush Tanager with spider
sbuckinghamnj: Ochre-faced Tody-flycatcher
sbuckinghamnj: Saffron-crowned Tanager
George Jiang 2012: Washington DC Temple 2023 Lights Festival
sbuckinghamnj: Dusky-capped Flycatcher
sbuckinghamnj: Gray Flycatcher
sbuckinghamnj: Greenish Elaenia
the self-taught: Full moon at sunrise
ArthurGPhotography: Lonely Pine, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
.Okular.: A new day dawning
antoniopedroni photo: The little cove.
Isr Obvius: Goshgar mountain
djrocks66: Sunset Over Egret
Mario & Debbie: Denali National Preserve. Alaska
StickyToffeeQueen: Isle of May Puffins
sbuckinghamnj: O Canada!
sbuckinghamnj: Hooded Warbler
Jeluba: Multicolor Tanager and Black-billed Thrush
arnicadesembets: le pic mar, discret mais bien présent !
Niek Handgraaf: Blauwborst
George Jiang 2012: Tidal Basin_IMG_9478
George Jiang 2012: Cherry Blossom-Dog-Water-Walker_IMG_9277
sbuckinghamnj: Empress Brilliant female and Fawn-breasted Brilliant female
sbuckinghamnj: Green-crowned Brilliant
Peter Stahl Photography: Evening Grosbeak (M)
Peter Stahl Photography: Evening Grosbeak (F)
Peter Stahl Photography: Pileated Woodpecker
Fabian Fortmann: Fishermen's Bay