Peter Stahl Photography:
Peter Stahl Photography:
House Finch
Peter Stahl Photography:
Pileated Woodpecker
Peter Stahl Photography:
Carpet of leaves
Peter Stahl Photography:
Peter Stahl Photography:
Black-crowned Night Heron
Peter Stahl Photography:
Northern Harrier
Peter Stahl Photography:
Rusty Blackbird
Peter Stahl Photography:
American Bittern
Peter Stahl Photography:
American Bittern
Peter Stahl Photography:
American Bittern
Peter Stahl Photography:
Grey catbird
Peter Stahl Photography:
Peter Stahl Photography:
Palm Warbler
Peter Stahl Photography:
Orange crowned, Mourning Warbler ,or Macgillivray's
Peter Stahl Photography:
Western Tanager
Peter Stahl Photography:
Blue-headed Vireo
Peter Stahl Photography:
The Watcher
Peter Stahl Photography:
American Goldfinch
Peter Stahl Photography:
Northern Flicker
Peter Stahl Photography:
American Redstart (F)
Peter Stahl Photography:
Tennessee Warbler
Peter Stahl Photography:
Blackpoll Warbler
Peter Stahl Photography:
Wilson's Warbler
Peter Stahl Photography:
Western Tanager
Peter Stahl Photography:
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Peter Stahl Photography:
Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Female
Peter Stahl Photography:
Ruby-throated hummingbird. Female
Peter Stahl Photography:
Whooping Crane
Peter Stahl Photography:
Whooping Crane