Loving The Vintage: Granny Slippers...
mylifeassinglemom: Ripples skirt
TheSunroom: Rainbow Hexagon
fullbodiedwoman: .Start of Rippled Wrap Shawl
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: The Union Jack, simply brilliant ideas! Thank you!
IamSusie: HK crochet Squares
Marta Romero: Bolero Lira
yvestown: Crochet Heart Garland
How About Orange: Mod Podged paper bowl
How About Orange: Woven coasters from magazines
pertinitaco: graphic
CraftyGoat: Recycled Tissue Paper Postcard Variations
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: Handshake from the milkproducer 2005
acreativemint: Tiled Photographs
chrisshots: I♥NY
Ms Premise-Conclusion: Ideal Crochet Sphere
sarah london textiles: joining granny squares :: step 17
seattle2001: JP-101747
helloyarn: Homemade Nutella
colorandtexture: my "Spectrum Afghan" finished
flossyblossy: Crochet blanket
Katherine scribbles: Riendeer looking down the chimney perhaps?
2Lauran: Aalsmeer 05
Barack Obama: 20081104_Chicago_IL_ElectionNight1258
cox-on-the-box - art, clay, cats, veg: Willow goes crazy in the bath tub and chases her tail
jewelsb78(thefrostedcakencookie): Tuesday Toppers: Lighthouse Cupcakes
pwils10: karate kat in 3d colour
hkittygr: HK09