flossyblossy: Dottie Angel frock finished!!! Part of my goal of not buying any clothes in 2017. I can make them with fabric I already have though!
flossyblossy: A lovely afternoon with my mates, fusible web and Netflix
flossyblossy: Yay for charity shops. Brand spanking new Art Company boots for £10!!!!
flossyblossy: Ancient EPP project resurrected
flossyblossy: And these!
flossyblossy: Gosh, had forgotten about these. How many years ago did I start these I wonder.
flossyblossy: Fabric sorting and folding!
flossyblossy: It's getting there and my sewjo seems to be back with a vengeance. Yay,
flossyblossy: And finally photo frames are now all up on my photo wall. Just need to fill the rest if them with pics!
flossyblossy: Jacks rockstar pics are finally up!
flossyblossy: My Saturday morning
flossyblossy: Milking my sewing time for all it's worth. Block 1 of a project I don't have time for 😄. Thanks @rachelwoodenspoon
flossyblossy: Back to these babies that I haven't touched in xx years!
flossyblossy: See that shelf with the boxes on. That's all my WIPs
flossyblossy: Working from home today. No windows that I can reach to see out if but this view is much better
flossyblossy: LOVING this one from my class today @theskep
flossyblossy: My quilt came 2nd!!!!
flossyblossy: Eeeek! Full Moon Lagoon by @mobedell. It's stunning!!! Thanks tons Mo!
flossyblossy: Steel flowers made for me by @curly_boy1 for our 11th wedding anniversary. I LOVE them. And him
flossyblossy: According to Jack, this is a line of baby turtles
flossyblossy: Fab bag charms made in my class at @fatquarterly retreat #fqrlondon
flossyblossy: Been struggling along with a blunt needle as couldn't get to the shop til tomorrow. Just found these that I have zero recollection of buying!
flossyblossy: It's a hard life being a dog!
flossyblossy: J: is that you Mummy. Me: yes. J: where am I? Me: you weren't born yet. J: were you waiting for me?
flossyblossy: I have the hopes and dreams of a class of 3 yr olds and 18 baby chickens on my kitchen work top
flossyblossy: Jacks's been asking for a digger blanket. This is PERFECT! Thanks Clare @theskep. Called Under Construction by Benartex
flossyblossy: Look what I have on my hot lil hands. Squeeeeeee!!!!!
flossyblossy: This mornings diversion. New peg bag!
flossyblossy: Sneak peek of quilt from the @fatquarterly Shape Workshop star blocks
flossyblossy: daft boy fell asleep with plastic duck in his mouth! Just had to pull over to remove it!