colorandtexture: OFFICE CHAIR BEFORE & AFTER
colorandtexture: Scandes Mittens
colorandtexture: Scandes Mittens
colorandtexture: Louis in a scowl, I mean a cowl.
colorandtexture: Inspira Cowl
colorandtexture: inspira cowl
colorandtexture: Granny Ripple Afghan
colorandtexture: hangin out
colorandtexture: don't look at me
colorandtexture: Raspberry and Nectarine Cobbler
colorandtexture: freezer jam!
colorandtexture: Refrigerator Pickles
colorandtexture: in the frig
colorandtexture: "Protecting the world from squirrel nudity"
colorandtexture: "Protecting the world from squirrel nudity"
colorandtexture: "Protecting the world from squirrel nudity" disclaimer on back
colorandtexture: Kimmi Dolls
colorandtexture: toy Singer sewing machine
colorandtexture: Kay-ee Sew Master
colorandtexture: my clock
colorandtexture: sunset at the Liberty Memorial
colorandtexture: The Nelson-Atkins Museum
colorandtexture: the Shuttlecocks on the lawn of the Nelson
colorandtexture: checkers
colorandtexture: chocolate cake