wdeck: _DSC4906 Rose - Landhaus Ettenbühl
wdeck: _DSC4912 Rosen - Landhaus Ettenbühl
rejeanjdeschenes: Grosbec errant / Evening Grosbeak
jt893x: Northern Cardinal
patchman98@yahoo.com 3.5 million views: Bison, 4 days after the January storm on the Tall Grass Prairie, Oklahoma.
Scorpion-66: Conjunction Mars Moon, 2025
Barragon: Oviedo
Barragon: Oviedo
Laval Roy: 1.00614 Pénélope à ailes blanches / Penelope albipennis / White-winged Guan / Pava de Ala Blanca
Laval Roy: 1.07314 Colibri moucheté (maculata) / Adelomyia melanogenys maculata / Speckled Hummingbird (maculata)
Laval Roy: 1.12227 Cordon-noir élégant (paucalensis) / Melanopareia elegans paucalensis / Elegant Crescent-chest (paucalensis) / Pecho-de-Luna Elegante
Seckington Images: Seckington churchyard sunset, UK.
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
gerardclubfoto: Château d'Effiat
*atrium09: Posing
A Great Capture: Midtown - Yesterday Morning
tmyfrn: Sunset Manzanillo Mexico
xanwhite305: Village houses by sunrise
shlyachterm: Tropical centipede slowly in Thailand
Henna K.: Puzzled Toppelund
contact@fabricepierre-photographe.com: Mauritius - September 2009
contact@fabricepierre-photographe.com: Mauritius - September 2009
Rolando CRINITI: Edredone di Stellero _005
DameBoudicca: Almost asleep
planosteve: BigIsland_2656