xanwhite305: White Castle with a view
xanwhite305: White castle above the rock
xanwhite305: Resting with the ball in the park
xanwhite305: Flashlight on the rocks
xanwhite305: Zinnia elegans
xanwhite305: Cosmos bipinnatus
xanwhite305: Tanacetum coccineum
xanwhite305: Chrysanthemum indicum
xanwhite305: One more gaillardia grandiflora
xanwhite305: Castle on the rocks
xanwhite305: Sun in the dark
xanwhite305: Mountain double
xanwhite305: Half faded
xanwhite305: Under waving clouds
xanwhite305: Opening core (II)
xanwhite305: Bee inside
xanwhite305: Opening core
xanwhite305: Catalpa single blossom
xanwhite305: Bright profile
xanwhite305: Hemerocallis fulva
xanwhite305: Sun in the dark
xanwhite305: Hemerocallis minor
xanwhite305: Like a shining sun
xanwhite305: Cohabitation on a gaillarda aristata
xanwhite305: Helianthus giganteus
xanwhite305: Yellow dendranthema grandiflorum
xanwhite305: Raindrops on a dendranthema grandiflorum
xanwhite305: Hibiscus ovalifolius after rainfall
xanwhite305: Haze on the river
xanwhite305: Petunia atkinsiana with raindrops