Smedette: Looking good at my ancillary garden (neighbor's yard I commandeered)
Smedette: Here come the tomatoes!
yougrowgirl: About to pour down hard (again. We're drowning over here!) so I ran outside and scrambled to harvest salad greens (for lunch and dinner), chive flowers (for vinegar) mint (for mint pop. Hard to explain) and orach and radish greens (to sauté).
Patrick Barber: Arnica longifolia on the Knebal Springs Trail
kflaim: ๐Ÿ˜ข #hopeful
Smedette: Light-sabering window washers
merwingโœฟlittle dear: #nature #mandala #dandelion #clover #mulberries
Meighan: Yum! Mignonette strawberries in my #garden ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒฟ #gardening #kitchengarden #zeromilediet #local #inseason #tw
Meighan: Garden salad for dinner! ๐ŸŒฟ #omnomnom #saladfordays #kitchengarden #tw
kflaim: Dreamy. #billingsfarm #farm #vt
I can't live without a Poni: rough terrain #wip #fumes #zzzzz
ErinLangNorris/YellowCanoe: Work in progress. For my upcoming show, "Feeling a Glow Inside."
Smedette: Part of a housewarming gift for my cousin: a basket of cleaning supplies and a bottle of gin. Welcome to homeownership!
kflaim: I love it when an impulsive plan comes together. #gardenflowers
Smedette: Last batch of Spicy Dilly Beans.
kflaim: Progress shot from contractors: tile and navy island!! #flaimview #kitchenreno #progress
On Bradstreet: Another busy project day of us all working together comes to an end with Olivia having made dinner. This rooms holds her contented, happy energy of making things nice for those she loves.
On Bradstreet: new benches
kflaim: T definitely wins for coolest backpack at camp. Thanks again, uncle @tombonamici! #uncles #rucksack #preschoolgear #tuckthegreat
Tugboat Printshop: Backyard 2014
yougrowgirl: You place a few tiny seeds into a pot of soil and you get this. Gardening is everyday magic.
yougrowgirl: Still Life with Squash
Bridgman Pottery: green treat
Bridgman Pottery: 23 march 2013
Bridgman Pottery: sunday morning
kflaim: Ikea has always had the best fabric food, but the new stuff is truly awesome. Shopping basket w a fish, sausages, pasta, etc.; cake stand w cupcakes and cake. #ikea #toyfood #ourelliegirl
Bridgman Pottery: I know what's good