kflaim: Working on prettying up a couple clearance canvases from HomeGoods for @debbie_goldstein. Not quite there yet, but getting somewhere! #DIY #stripes
kflaim: #nofilter on the baby clover in the field yesterday. πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ #fromwhereistand #clover #flaimview
kflaim: Very important Lego superhero discussion with H. #postdinnerconversation #tuckthegreat
kflaim: Another day, another new view through the Doors of Flaimview! One of the first things B fell for at the house was the second floor porch off two of the bedrooms; as of today it's finally functioning with screens, new rubber roofing, deck tiles, and lounge
kflaim: View to the pond, 2 of 2 (2 hours later): πŸ‘«πŸŒ³πŸŒ… #tuckandellie #DMlivingwithkids
kflaim: View to the pond, 1 of 2: πŸ‘°πŸŒ³β˜€οΈ #wedding #thatimnotattending
kflaim: A little Niçoise for a summer lunch party. #summerfood #lunchalfresco #nicoise
kflaim: New views at the house this weekend--3 of 4 screen doors have finally been installed! We are fairly certain this "back" Dutch door was originally the front entrance. #flaimview #light #reddoor #shadows
kflaim: I am a very mature adult & definitely do not get the giggles every time I see this French candy bar. #crunchynuts #grumgrumgrum #candybars
kflaim: Lunch at the counter earlier--this is revolutionary!! #tuckandellie #chezflaim
kflaim: "Mama Puppy, I'm doing this because baby puppies usually crawl and mama puppies should crawl too." #ourelliegirl
kflaim: Continued progress on the mini kitchen reno! Control The Entryway system 4 installed; stools assembled; sconces have arrived but won't get installed until we get the new upper cabinets and shelves put in next month. #kitchen #chezflaim
kflaim: Team Cold Food. #sohotsohumid #dinnerathome
kflaim: #tuckthegreat #travelday #jfk
kflaim: 🎢Another travel day, another flight!🎢 #ourelliegirl #travelday #jfk
kflaim: πŸ‘‹πŸŒ† #NYC #skyline #59thstreetbridge
kflaim: High levels of adorable small children in awesome clothes this weekend. #indianwedding #indiandancing
kflaim: No need to bustle the bride's gown at an India wedding, but the groom's head-dress is another story!
kflaim: Day two: Baraat time! #wedding #sari #wheee
kflaim: Toast in bed: a risky business. #breakfastinbed #weddingweekend
kflaim: Borrowed sari: βœ”οΈ #wedding
kflaim: Crazy-gorgeous flight into NYC. #nofilter #sunrise #longisland
kflaim: Another day, another airport. #ourelliegirl
kflaim: You guuuuys all I can think of is Benji from Pitch Perfect. #slightofhand #harvardsquare #middleschool
kflaim: #tuckandellie
kflaim: @tombonamici gets in some important Lego practice after many fallow years. #uncletomishere #tuckthegreat #lego #batman
kflaim: E has this effect on uncles. #uncletomishere #ourelliegirl
kflaim: Important picture-search work to be done. #uncletomishere #tuckandellie
kflaim: #cambridgema #groovy
kflaim: Junior camp counselor? #tuckthegreat