tetsumosecond: DSC_2716
martini038: porcelain animals
kazua0213: american-clubhouse-sandwich_060221
simple.joy: Things getting on top of you
simple.joy: Pointing towards the entrance
simple.joy: Light cocktail
simple.joy: Enormous weight
pascal_degiovanni: The leopard
simple.joy: When did I become so square?
simple.joy: I'm a grown lens, dammit!
rootcrop54: a mingling of whiskers
TurtleSpeed168: DSC01937
TurtleSpeed168: DSC04570 - Fujinon-TV 75/1.8
TurtleSpeed168: DSC04772 - Fujinon-TV 75/1.8
TurtleSpeed168: DSC04577 - Fujinon-TV 75/1.8
dnh_macro: ベリル / Beryl
dnh_macro: ピルゼン鉱 / Pilsenite
Toyokazu: Time for walkies!
simple.joy: My macro swan song
simple.joy: No shot at getting good?
martini038: 渓流
Mike Alegado: The rejuvenating springs
martini038: 白川郷
martini038: 西濃運輸 大垣支店
kazua0213: motsu-curry_040220
ramjee: Hologon glasses !?
Itinerant Wanderer: Rhodochrosite and Quartz
shuujou: _DSC7750-Edit-2