AWLSheep: Droplets of water
Coyoty: Lamp Lava
Chas Photos: I Love Woodpeckers - HSS
Andyfloe: The Machins - A local band plays
Ashurban1pal: Deck of playing cards
ToDoe: surface
Christoph Link: Gelbwürfeliger Dickkopffalter
marianna armata: kigbird takes off
ingrid eulenfan: Licht und Schatten
Christoph Link: Purpurreiher
suekelly52: Stuff of Nightmares...
Julie from Wexford: April Gorse
Silke Klimesch: King for a Day
hazza3d: Morning mist
blavandmaster: Arrived (Explore)
DaveSPN: Another April Visitor
suekelly52: Heavenly Blue
mhaudot: Migration des grues cendrées au dessus de la Lorraine
Andym5855: The Three Sisters, Tongaporutu
mhaudot: Reflet du soleil dans l'étang...
amy abrew: sketchbook detail
carsten155: Macro Mondays - I made this
mhaudot: Le bois fait des vagues...
suekelly52: Gin Glass
@magda627: Embossed glass
Globalista1: Embossed Glass
georgeartp: embossed glass... ... HLCoF!
Maria Godfrida: Spring in hand...
aenee: Black Beauty