SBA73: Més xiprers que cementiri / Tighty packed cemetery
SBA73: La catedral de Solsona / Solsona cathedral
efo: Marl Hill Church Calotype
SBA73: Església i escola / Church and school
SBA73: L'eix vertical de Darrieus / Darrieus turbines
SBA73: Provença vintage / Vintage Provence
SBA73: Briançon quasi com abans / Briançon (almost) like the XIX Century
SBA73: Finistrèlas
SBA73: Calotip torinès / Turin calotype
SBA73: Magnificencia neoclassica / Neoclassic magnificence
efo: Old Lovely Zion Baptist Church Caloytpe
AH AP: Wollensak Vinco Anastigmat 7In.b
SBA73: Autoretrat en calotip / Calotype self-portrait
efo: Dark intentions
Giorgio Bordin: Via Farini
SBA73: El vell cementiri sobreviu / Surving fishermen cemetery
efo: There used to be more
SBA73: Esperant la dignitat / Waiting for dignity
efo: Bold Branch Church Calotype
wesleysoon: 荷時真 荷是假
kobaken++: Flower In The Mirror
Ξǁ Mikica Kosanović ǁΞ 6M views: Levitation on the wind
labecoaves: Reflex-Nikkor 1000mm f/11 pre-AI test shot at ~8m
airsoftrob1080: Nuthatch in the woods.
labecoaves: Reflex-Nikkor 1000mm f/11 ai
Waren nkd. Dienven: Foraging Chilean flamingo.
Fred_St: DSC02424-bewerkt.jpg
janykiel: Bath duck;)
Vide Cor Meum photography: An Evening Bird Silhouette