threejumps: Floyd
Calakmul: come to rest
Michael Surtees: Shades of gray
Michael Surtees: walking aftermath
Since Spacies: Full Moon by Gwangan Bridge
archieboy: Birthday boy
Calakmul: He's lost in thought.....
cooan: Ok, so he isn't the only tired one trapping me on the couch.
waltimar: i wish he was nesting
meeganz: ...
Calakmul: in disguise
bloggaplease: Working from home today as this little guy is running a fever and wicked cough. Already zonked out well before his noon nap.
Calakmul: 7 Weeks
meeganz: sunset silhouette
Calakmul: poking through the fog
Calakmul: definitely not the stairway to heaven
Calakmul: where the choir hasn't been heard in some 37 years
archieboy: At the park with Oslo
Michael Surtees: Madison's current status
squishyray: Jojo after retrieving his tiny mat from inside
~pauline sirks ~: cow parsley...
Isko Salminen: Tired from play
Claire Heath :): skymoon dreaming -This land is mine
*sapa*: when we wish
Barbara J H: Female King Parrot -0247
Alan Hudson Photo: Happened across and awesome little trail today while out scouting for locations.