tourtrophy: "Oops I Did It Again"
tourtrophy: iPhone Did It When I Failed
Oliver (Wolbadger): Shield bug on holly berries
fromkmr: rainbow touchdown
fromkmr: He is not here, for He, Jesus, has risen as He said
Becky Matsubara: Northern Mockingbird (Leucistic)
Becky Matsubara: Townsend's Warbler
Becky Matsubara: Townsend's Warbler
Becky Matsubara: Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Becky Matsubara: Costa's Hummingbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Costa's Hummingbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Acorn Woodpecker (f) with pink eyes
Becky Matsubara: Green-tailed Towhee
ricardo00: lesser goldfinch taking off
ricardo00: Western screech owl getting ready for nightly hunt
ricardo00: snowy egret with its catch
Becky Matsubara: Double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Becky Matsubara: double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Becky Matsubara: Double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Jacob Covey: Gumby Exhibition
toyfun4u: Gumby Pajama Bag Sear Exclusive 1
toyfun4u: Gumby Pajama Bag Sears Exclusive 2
raining rita: I made mini valentines out of my vintage valentines. Happy Happy Valentines Day
Hmm.....: Toy Sunday Theme: Alone. DSCN1051 (2)
tourtrophy: Santa Left His X'mas Presents
fromkmr: stormed tossed
Hmm.....: Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. <3 23677093590_b568dcc734_vm
Hmm.....: Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. <3 23669118880_db7c5b2a2b_o
Oliver (Wolbadger): Stone cross
Hmm.....: Flowers in my area. DSCN8878